We have been going to Kathy’s gym for almost a year. It has been a great experience. Kathy’s energy and passion are so contagious it is easy to make fitness part of your everyday routine. The classes are challenging for everyone and the gym is warm and welcoming.
Fred and Mary G. East Syracuse, N.Y.
I have been attending Kathy’s classes for many years and am still amazed at how much she inspires me and I hate missing even one. The atmosphere at the gym is one that makes everyone comfortable and you really become part of something. I’ve made good friends over the years and continue to meet great people. Kathy’s commitment to helping everyone she meets, her community involvement and her health and fitness knowledge make Kathy Caiello’s FitStop one of a kind.
Marypat G. Syracuse, N.Y.
Coming to the FitStop is the best thing I ever did. We’re all so glad to have you in our life. Thank you.
Pam S. East Syracuse, N.Y.
FIT STOP is a modern and well equipped facility, in addition it has a friendly and comfortable atmosphere.
Vicki Meguid Manlius, NY
Working with Kathy for more than 20yrs has been a very pleasurable experience. Each year seems to go by so quickly, seems like we just met yesterday! Kathy makes you feel at ease each time you meet her, whether it’s the first time or the hundredth time. She takes time to get to know each and every member of her club. That’s what’s so nice about working out at the FitStop. Its’ like the “Cheers” of the exercise world! Everyone knows your name and its’ fun! The club is bright and cheery and big enough to get whatever type of workout you are looking for, yet small enough to make you feel comfortable. I can’t say enough about her and her new club. The club is a dream come true and is always neat and clean. Kathy is always up to date on the latest health issues and has fun and interesting classes, including Drums Alive! I would encourage anyone to come and give it a try… you’ll love it!!
Deb G. Camillus, N.Y.
Kathy is fun, energetic and knowledgeable. I worked with Kathy to slim down and tone up for my wedding with a series of circuit training and Zumba classes offered at the FitStop. I love the atmosphere at the gym. It has all the tools you need to work out with a quaint homey feel. I will be a FitStop member for years to come.
Kara R. Syracuse, N.Y.
I joined FitStop because I was impressed by its cleanliness, bright atmosphere, variety of classes offered and the number of classes offered each day. I have been a member for over a year now and am still impressed by these virtues. The club also offers Kathy with her knowledge of health and exercise and up – beat attitude every day. The classes are fun, energetic and never boring. The other members are friendly and fun to work out with. There is a great variety in ages and ability so everyone fits in. I plan to be a member for more years to come.
Mary O. East Syracuse, N.Y.
I am a professional who travels a lot and never belonged to a gym before. My busy lifestyle led to poor health habits and when both my weight and cholesterol peaked higher than ever before. I knew it was time to make a change. The first step was the hardest, which was to truly decide that exercising was going to be as important as any other business meeting on my calendar. The second step was to take my colleague’s advice and join Kathy Caiello’s FitStop. The third step turned out to be the easiest of all: to show up for as many classes and training sessions as I could and simply do what Kathy tells me when I get there. No need to think, prepare or analyze—just show up. That’s so much easier than all the other meetings on my schedule combined. Needless to say, those three steps changed my life. After a year with Kathy, I’ve lost almost 40 pounds, 20 inches, and 3 dress sizes. I now sleep better, have more energy, and am stronger than I’ve ever been in my life. Kathy also introduced me to a program that promotes low glycemic eating which works well for me, especially because you don’t have to count anything. When people ask me what I’m doing to get fit, I tell them it’s nothing magical—just eat right and exercise. But, in thinking about my results, I guess working out with Kathy really does feel like magic!
Kristi K, Fayetteville, N.Y.
FITSTOP = Fitness-Laughter-Sweat-Inspirational. Kathy Caiello does all of these things for me and I’m very grateful.
Lisa N., Fayetteville, N.Y.
Having hurt my back in a car accident a few years ago, and having constant pain that was progressively getting worse, I was finally at the point of considering surgery… until I started working out with Kathy. In just a few short months, she has helped to strengthen my back and reduce the pain… something that doctors, physical therapists and chiropractors could not do. Her knowledge of body mechanics is remarkable as are her results. I am very grateful to her.
Mindy Centra, Dewitt, N.Y.
I thought I was in good physical shape having followed a regimen of running and swimming for years. When I found myself having various aches and pains and more limited flexibility, I finally, at my wife’s insistence, made an appointment with Kathy Caiello, who was her trainer. I didn’t want to admit it but it was the best advice I ever followed. I now know what being physically fit feels like and I feel better than ever beforehand and this is six years later. Kathy is amazing in her knowledge and enthusiasm. She provides careful supervision and her knowledge never fails to impress me. She truly cares about her clients individually, and tailors her advice accurately for their specific needs. She is the consummate professional.
Stan Kaplan D.D.S., Dewitt, N.Y.
I have joined many health clubs over the years and with each one I ended up not going out of boredom. I now work out with Kathy Caiello and have been doing so 3-4 times a week for over eight years. Her classes are fun, challenging and rewarding. My entire body has taken a complete change and because of her I now enjoy working out. She knows how to modify any exercise for any injury and I look forward to many more years of working out with Kathy.
Sue Whitham, East Syracuse, N.Y.
Having been diagnosed as a diabetic, as well as a recovering coronary bypass patient, I have discovered that my bi/weekly weekly workout routine with Kathy Caiello has not only helped lower my cholesterol levels, but has also helped to regulate by blood sugar levels. Exercising has also had a significant impact on relieving a majority of the discomfort caused by neuropathy in my legs. Kathy is a caring, and understanding trainer who customizes her training to the needs of her clients.
James Arena, Syracuse, N.Y.
Kathy’s been great. I had never exercised or worked out before I met her, and because of her training, I am stronger than I ever was (even though I am now 10 years older) and exercise and fitness training have become a part of my permanent routine. As a result of Kathy’s guidance, I have a life-long commitment to fitness.
Pamela R. Kaplan, Esq., Dewitt, N.Y.
Kathy’s personal training extends deeper than physical vitality to also include emotional strength and spiritual electricity. Her support ensures the total person is taken into account. She cares about you as an individual, not just a client. I owe so much to Kathy for my overall well-being and good health. Due to Kathy’s training, I have learned to accept myself as I am today, with my own body and soul as a blissful temple. Personal transformations have been achieved with making my body and mind much stronger. This is a testimony to Kathy’s insightful and resourceful training sessions, classes and friendship.
Mary Young